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Promo Code: 509432
"I use CushyLips lip plumper 3-4 times a day and can't live without it! Since using it, my lips have become fuller and more defined and I just love getting these results without needing an injection!"
Samantha Mcknight, 31

"I am an older woman, and have felt badly about the fact that over the years my lips were thinning, looking deflated and wrinkled. I gave Cushy Lips a shot after my daughter told me it did wonders on her lips..
Sarah Boyles, 65

Weight Loss Products:

About CushyLips Lip Plumper

CushyLips manufactures CushyLips products along with a wide variety of herbal supplements, liquid formulas and capsule products.

We create unique, safe and effective products that help people supplement their lives. CushyLips has formulated a unique and highly effective line of herbal dietary and other supplements. It is our goal to provide retailers and vendors with the finest quality supplements ever made at wholesale prices barely above our manufacturing costs.

We are proud to offer a wide range of "high demand" herbal supplements made only from the finest pharmaceutical grade ingredients available.

CushyLips Quality Control

All of our raw materials must pass stringent quality controls before they are utilized. In addition, we use only those precursor materials that are of the highest quality and that pass our in house quality inspection.

All raw materials are tested for purity prior to production. Quality control engineers have the authority during any stage of production to reject any product that does not adhere to our strict quality standards. All personnel follow explicit written protocols that are strictly enforced during the manufacturing process. All steps during the manufacturing process are documented and reviewed by quality control specialists.

Manufacturing equipment is properly maintained and cleaned on a predetermined schedule that is documented in company logs for review by the Department of Agriculture. This helps to ensure the absence of any contamination during the manufacturing process. Production records associated with each unit of a product, including all raw materials used, are filed for two years past the expiration date.

Further quality control is demonstrated by:

Product analysis This is recorded for each product that is manufactured. The analysis contains the specific components of the herbal product, including a lot number for each of the ingredients, as well as the production methods used.


Raw materials These are purchased only from reputable wholesalers. Each raw material in our products must come with a Certificate of Analysis obtained from the supplier. Our in house Quality Assurance team also analyzes the raw materials for authenticity.

Packaging material All packaging materials are purchased only from reputable wholesalers. Specific Quality Assurance personal ensure that all labels are assigned to the proper products to avoid any confusion. All new labels are cross checked with the original master label to make certain that there have been no mistakes during the printing process.

Lot Numbers Once an order request has been received, the herbal supplement to be manufactured is entered in the production records and a lot number is assigned. The raw materials are released to the pharmacy after all products have been checked for authenticity.

CushyLips Manufacturing Guidelines

In addition to the protocols described above, CushyLips Supplements adheres to the following manufacturing guidelines to ensure the utmost quality control:

Blending and Granulation All equipment used in the process of mixing and granulation is inspected by the Director of Operations prior to use. Raw materials are then inspected for the final time. The lots are then processed using strict written guidelines for each herbal product. Following granulation and blending, the powder blends are stored in specially designed containers to ensure freshness and to avoid any contamination. Once again the Director of Operations ensures that all new blends are labeled appropriately.

Encapsulation and Compression Once a test unit has been processed, a sample is unit is issued to Quality Assurance to be compared to retained samples in order to ensure product integrity. Once the new unit has been approved by Quality Assurance, full line production may begin. Quality Assurance inspections are conducted using set protocols for the capsules. As with the blending and granulation process, the capsules are stored in specifically designed containers to ensure freshness and to avoid any contamination. The Director of Operations makes certain that all new capsules are labeled appropriately.

Liquids Liquid products are prepared following the same stringent protocols described above for blending, granulation, encapsulation and compression.

Packaging and Inspection Upon completion of processing, the final product is inspected again by the Quality Assurance staff. Broken tablets, over filled capsules and any other defective products are removed from the lot. Products released by the Quality Assurance staff are subsequently either packaged for bulk storage or bottled and labeled for consumer use (labels contain the appropriate information required by the Federal Drug Administration; batch numbers are logged). All finished products are properly labeled and closed with a tamper proof seal. The Quality Assurance unit also retains samples of raw materials for one year past the expiration date of the last product they are used in. The unit also retains samples of finished products for one year past the product expiration date. These samples are maintained under controlled conditions.

Final Products All final products are stored in quarantine in a climate controlled environment until final delivery to the customer.

All CushyLips Supplements are manufactured using Good Manufacturing Practices set forth by the US Federal Drug Administration. In addition, both scheduled and surprise inspections by the Quality Assurance staff during different aspects of the manufacturing process help to ensure specific quality, strength and purity for both the raw materials and the finished supplements.

Promo Code: 509432